Osteoarthritis of the knee symptoms and treatment

In the knee joint, the Femur and Tibia bone to use cartilage articular cartilage covers. The second type of cartilage, is called the menisci, which as an intermediate layer or a shock absorber.form


As complete and partial loss of cartilage can be observed. This process is often a particular Phase in the joint is insulated, in such cases it can be caused by injuries and chronic wear and tear of the joint.

Pathogenesis and symptoms of osteoarthritis

Symptoms of osteoarthritis in connection with the fact that the articulated cartilage loses elasticity, dries out, becomes thinner and gradually destroyed. Provoke the destruction of the cartilage a variety of causes: age-related changes, hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders, blood circulation disorders in the background of vascular disorders, consequences of injury.

Osteoarthritis of the knee shows the totality of the symptoms:

  • Pain, intensity and the character will change depending on the stage of the disease;
  • the accompanying movement of the crunch in the knees;
  • the bias at the beginning of the movement;
  • Restriction of the mobility in the joint;
  • Deformity of the knee.

The reasons for the development and types of

Causes of osteoarthritis is multiple: it is a process of aging and wear and tear of the cartilage, obesity, Trauma, autoimmune diseases in which the immune system attacks its own joint tissue, causing inflammation and subsequent destruction.

Knee joints are subject to great strain in the course of life, so prone to degenerative processes and more, in contrast to other joints.

The main reason for the development of the osteoarthritis knee joints of the second degree – a Person ignore the first symptoms and the noticeable lack of timely treatment. Other Reasons:

  • Age – in 80% of cases of osteoarthritis of suffering people (mostly women) to 40 years;
  • Injuries – often prone to these athletes.
  • other pathology of the joint – endocrine, inflammatory, etc.

In the case of osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 degree of destruction of not only the cartilage, but also its components is suspended. The cartilage is less elastic and robust, it begins to wear off, so that without the protection of the bony surface.

The main causes of osteoarthritis of the knee associated with an increased physical burden of the middle-aged people, because of what happened violation of the blood supply and nutrition of the cartilage of the joints, leading to functional disorders of the joints.

the first Phase

There are two forms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint: primary and secondary.

The primary.

At the beginning of his development early in childhood or adolescence.

Different degrees of osteoarthritis of the knee

Like many others, the disease osteoarthritis of the knee joint can be divided into several phases.

  1. The lightest for the treatment of osteoarthritis of 1 degree. Symptoms: the presence of small slit in the inside of the joint, the surface, the edges acute, in a patient loss of mobility.
  2. If a patient is osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 degrees, it is expressed as follows: a significant loss of mobility of the patient, when the ailing king's meadow is a distinctive quiet, inside there is a severe narrowing of the slot and the cyst forms.
  3. To move osteoarthritis 3 degrees unable to always, is the deformity of the joint, on its surface seals formed.
  4. In the last fourth Phase, the cartilage in the knee joint completely destroyed.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, grade II, you can use honey. For example, for compresses, Massage, or indoor area.


Signs and symptoms

Osteoarthritis-king meadow-Charter usually develops after the age of 55 years on the background of age-related changes in the cartilage tissue. In the pathological process of tissue of other organs are rarely involved, in contrast to Arthritis, when the development of inflammation spreads the infection in the tissue of the heart, the nerve fibers, the Epidermis.

The main signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • in an early stage is pain, the intensity of the pain increases wavy;
  • gradually degenerative changes interfere with the mobility of the affected joint, in the morning, it makes the patient difficult to bend and straighten the king's meadow;
  • in cases of advanced pathologies of cartilage are destroyed, sharply limited, and foot;
  • the noticeable lack of synovial fluid, the strong friction hinge-heads, splicing of certain elements of the pain provoked not only load, but also without them.

Signs and symptoms

Doctors believe ostreatus common disease, which is able to go in the epidemic. The first signs of the disease — acute pain in the region of the patella, severe pain when walking, in some cases, the man is not just can move.

This, in turn, leads to a complete loss of working capacity of the patient, the physical and moral degradation.

The characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis of the second degree:

Pathology of this disease is the reduction in the mobility of the joints, limitation of range of motion and a feeling of stiffness of the joints.

It is worth noting that the arthritis of the joints can fail to different areas of the body of the patient, but the most common types are osteoarthritis of the knee joint disease, osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine and the cervical spine, and osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint complex arthritis of the ankle joint and brush, and even osteoarthritis of the hip joint.



The Definition of osteoarthritis of the knee begins with a physical examination, Dr., study of the history and the conversation with the patient. You have to take a doctor, what is usually the cause of pain, and tell you about the cases of the disease in the family, if available.

For the treatment with painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, slow-acting preparations of Gold, corticosteroids, methotrexate, and others.

The drug therapy of osteoarthritis of the knee provides for three main areas:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are necessary to alleviate the pain and reduce the intensity of inflammation in the tissues;
  • Taking medications to help restore the cartilage to sulfate which chondroprotectors: glucosamine and chondroitin;
  • the use of creams and ointments in the complex therapy of deforming arthrosis.

The primary goal of drug treatment is the elimination of pain, improvement of the nutrition of the cartilage, the activation of regenerative processes, increase the mobility of the joints and the normalization of blood circulation in the king's meadow.

In the case of advanced, irreversible lesions of the king's meadow osteoarthritis radical method – prosthetics-treated, i.e., Implantation of a metallic prosthesis in place of the destroyed joint.

This is so far the only possibility, the Chance of a full recovery, but prostheses have a limited lifespan, and then must be replaced.

Since the price of such operations is very high, is not widely used, this method of treatment is still far.

There are many popular recipes of the various ointments and compresses on the Basis of herbs, the medical bile, apply warming headbands out of pure W. the effect of these methods is aimed at the abolition of pain and the elimination of the main symptoms.


As for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint? In an early stage of the joint surface pathology is well-suited for the therapy. In addition to the pharmacy, ointments and tablets physiotherapists in the treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee joint offer traditional methods.

Replacing the medicines Phyto means: the rejection of the drug treatment aggravate the condition of the diseased joint, to provoke the further development of the degenerative changes.

You stop the tissue destruction of cartilage, accelerate the process of Regeneration can only be in the case of complex effects.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compositions are mandatory in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee for relief of pain at the time of destruction of the cartilage. At home medicines in the Form of Gels and tablets. It is important to strictly adhere to the daily dose, frequency of application, the duration of the treatment.

In acute arthritis to the therapeutic measures are carried out in this order:

  • is removed the pain;
  • in the presence of the inflammatory process measures to its elimination;
  • is tissue treatment for the restoration of cartilage.

The most important role in the acute Phase discharged will be treated medically with anti-inflammatory preparations, maybe a series of physiotherapy treatments.

Of drugs basically chondroprotectors shows that to brake at the level of 1-2 destruction of the cartilage.

If the king's meadow deformed, the joint is completely or almost completely lost, the mobility, the helps constant pain to get rid of neither medication nor physiotherapy.

In the treatment of osteoarthritis of the tablets and ointment are prescribed to alleviate the pain, but also inflammation, counteract, physiotherapy treatments can prescribe that can slow down the process of the destruction of the joints.

Wherein a dietary food should be rich in trace elements and nutrients, which is enough for the processes of creation of new tissues and cells originating in the body of the patient.


Food takes up only a doctor, nutritionist, to take into account the health condition of the patient. Very important to know that the restriction and overeating in the diet causes damage to the joints.

In the treatment of specific orthoses, crutches and canes can.discharging the patient from the additional physical stress

It should be noted that king's meadow-osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases that often in many former sports. This is due to the fact that in youth these people enormous stress, injuries, micro-traumas of joints, ligaments sustained cracks and multiple injuries.

Wrap with horseradish, which helps in pain in the joints

For the production of this compress should dig up, or fresh sea to buy radish roots, then chop them on a very fine grater. All received content must bathe in water and leave on low heat, but the water is not to boiling.

After 15 minutes, the broth to cool, and the resulting composition you will have to canvas fabric, but to moisturize before, these a cloth in the resulting broth. Rolled tissue must insert on the affected area.

It is advisable to refuel-horseradish-roots for the Winter and apply it according to your needs.

A compress for the treatment of osteoarthritis

For the preparation of the compress 5% medical iodine, 10% liquid ammonia, glycerol, medical bile may floral honey must. All of these components you need to mix in equal proportions and good.

Then you have it to brew for 10 days in a dark place. The mixture should shake well before use and, with the help of a compress.

Such treatment should subside each day until the pain.

Folk Remedies

For the nutrition and Regeneration of cartilage to its tissues, the constant intake of such compounds, sulfate as chondroprotectors – glucosamine and chondroitin. It is the most a substances useful for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

Their reception must be able to effect for a very long time, like a half a year and more, only in this case, a positive therapeutic.

But because of such useful properties of these compounds is not consider as a basic therapy of osteoarthritis should. Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint requires the use of drugs chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine not less than 1.5 years.

Also, take into account that you will not be able to complete the restore of destroyed cartilage.

Injections in the king's meadow of drugs based on hyaluronic acid are capable of, the progression of osteoarthritis progression, but symptomatic relief only receives half of the people with this diagnosis.


Osteoarthritis of the knee joint, provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment and recipes of traditional medicine to act as an additional therapy. Note the value of Tools, such as broth peel onions, Infusion of the leaves of the dandelion, the blend of Aloe, vodka and honey in equal amounts, night compresses of salt with honey and many others.

Also, it is advisable to eat more healthy and jellies.

Prevention measures

King's meadow to prevent osteoarthritis involves many factors:

  • Balanced diet: the diet should sufficient quantities of protein, vitamins and trace elements.
  • The fight with the wrong way of life, and liberation from harmful habits.
  • The normalization of the weight.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Prevention of injury during sports, to lift gradients.

The most important thing in the identification of such pathologies such as osteoarthritis of the knee is not start the disease, because of this application, cause your stage to disabilities.

But if time, all of your forces on the treatment and prevention – before the lack of time and the symptoms are low – there is a Chance to a complete exemption from the disease.

Important read: osteoarthritis of the knee.

Preventive measures consist in:

  • physical activities and sports;
  • Avoid large loads on the knee joints;
  • the control of weight and reduction;
  • immediate appeal to the doctor, when the joint was inflamed or injured.